World of Tattoo Conventions
Paradise Tattoo Gathering 2024

Paradise Tattoo Gathering 2024

24 - 27 October 2024

Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

37 Corey Rd, Hancock,

Massachusetts 01237, United States

Web Page | Instagram

The Paradise Tattoo Gathering is a unique experience, distinct from typical tattoo conventions.

Tucked away in the most serene town in Western Massachusetts, it draws globally renowned tattoo artists and those in pursuit of artistic enlightenment. Here, you'll find yourself enveloped by the tranquility of nature, away from everyday distractions, creating an ideal setting for deep focus.

However, what truly sets the Paradise Tattoo Gathering apart is not just its picturesque location. It's the community of artists it assembles – a group of the world's most generous and open-hearted tattoo professionals.

They come not merely to showcase their skills, but to engage in a shared journey of learning and growth with attendees. These artists are motivated by more than financial gain; they seek to broaden their horizons through mutual exchange of ideas, and to forge lasting, soulful connections that may span years or even decades.

Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort

Paradise Tattoo Gathering 2024

Tattoo Event Information
Event Date 24-10-2024
Event End Date 27-10-2024
Location Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Categories Massachusetts, USA Tattoo Conventions

Tattoo Event Location Map

Ticket Purchase for Tattoo Conventions

You can buy your ticket at the event (except for a few events). A lot of Tattoo Conventions sell the tickets in advance. Visit the official page of the Tattoo Convention to find further information of the ticket options. Buy tickets via the official websites of the Tattoo Convention!

Vendor and Artist Booths Registration for Tattoo Conventions

I you would like to participate at a Tattoo Convention as a Tattoo Artist or Vendor please contact the official page of the event (web site, facebook, instagram, etc). You will find the application form there along with the conditions of participations and prices. If you cannot find the application form please contact the organisers of the event via email. You can also visit the Tattoo Conventions social media sites (facebook, instagram, etc) for further information.


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